Minorits Jánosné

Minorits Jánosné

I was born in 1945 in Sárpilis. As a member of the Sárpilis Folk Ensemble I learned from István Bogár the love and respect for folk traditions, be it song, dance or dress. As a member of the Sárköz Folk Arts and Crafts Cooperative, I worked as a weaver for several decades.

My teachers of the craft were Andrásné Werner, Master of Folk Art, in textile and fiber weaving, as well as Pálné Magyar in dollmaking. My homespun work is made using traditional techniques, colours and patterns, but with an eye on functionality in a contemporary setting. My dolls, including the traditional three-legged puppets are characterized by authentic details and attentiveness in execution. I have spent decades learning about weaving and traditions of dress in the Sárköz. I try to amass as much knowledge as I can about these traditions and rely on them when creating objects.

I am now alone in the Sárköz continuing to make certain items of traditional dress such as pearl corollas and fiber-based pieces. At the same time, I am engaged in transmitting these skills to the generations that follow. In Őcsény, where I live and in several other municipalities in Tolna county I regularly teach weaving classes for children and adults, as well. During major events, such as the Sárköz Wedding Reenactment I participate by presenting traditional dress and hope to contribute to making the heritage of Sárköz known in the country and the world.

I have been a member of the Association of Folk Art in Tolna County since 1996 and am a recurring participant of domestic and international exhibitions. My tripartite grand velvet headdress won three separate awards at the National Folk Art Fair in 1996.

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